
 Our current presiding Mayor is Jimmy Kelly. He was recently elected for a second term. He has many life experiences that help him in Mayorship to make him the best qualified person for the job

City Clerk

Janie Tutor has been the Houlka City Clerk for the past three years. She works 5 days a week to make sure all of the residents are taken care of to the best of the her abilities. Janie recently requested permission from the Board of Aldermen to hire a Deputy and with their blessing they agreed. After several weeks of searching, Janie found the perfect addition to the Houlka Community.

Deputy Clerk

On March 30th, 2017 Kayla Cox was hired onto the city with the position of Deputy Clerk under the direct supervision of Janie Tutor. Kayla Cox has several years of experience working with Finances and Bookkeeping that she learned over the years working in a small business owned by her and her husband. Next time you are in the area or have business with City Hall, make sure to stop in and wish Kayla good luck in her new appointment to Deputy Clerk.